I am not doing one-on-one sessions at the moment - I can recommend people who have been trained by me for either channeling or chakra healing session via skype - 77 euros per hour session - please email me for details.
One-on-one Therapy sessions with Solara in Ibiza, Spain
one hour sessions: 77 euros per hour
I practised as a healer & alternative therapist for 20 years before I started my teaching path. After travelling and teaching intensively between 2007 and 2012, I have now settled on the island of Ibiza, Spain, where I am offering private retreats. I have gone back to my roots, once again practising craniosacral therapy, massage, reflexology & chakra healing. 1 hour therapy sessions, which often include a combination of these skills, cost 77 euros.
Chakra Healing
Solara trained in the Martin Broffman school of chakra healing, and now combines this skill with the multi-dimensional skills her Pleiadian and Arcturian guides have taught her. The 7 primary inner chakras need to be in balance in order for us to be functioning healthily in our everyday lives - money/home/job issues are all related to the root chakra - sexual issues relate to the sacral chakra, and so on. The 5 chakras external to the body control our connection with our Higher Self, guides, Soul Star family and so on. We are in the process of becoming multidimensional and receiving new codes ~ the activation of our 12-13 chakra system is a crucial part of this process and Solara's guides can assist in the process.
Craniosacral Therapy
This is a magical form of healing - an offshoot of Osteopathy now recognised by Western Medicine as one of the most powerful and healing modalities for neck and back problems, fertility, headaches, depression, anxiety, MS & many more ailments. This very gentle form of body work uses no manipulation. The therapist listens with the hands for any restrictions to the free movement of the fluids, the tissues, the cranial bones and the spine & restores health by releasing restrictions. The entire body is treated this same way, so that old injuries can resurface and then be healed. Craniosacral helps to balance the body on more than just a physical level – the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects are often part of the healing process. The body’s own self-healing forces are stimulated, and the client’s vitality is heightened.

This technique aims to restore the vitality of your body via the nerve endings in the feet. It is not simply ‘foot massage’ – stimulating these points on the feet sends impulses up through your nervous system, affecting the energy and health of your whole being. Clients are amazed not only by how relaxing and restorative reflexology is, but also by how far-reaching its affects are. It is particularly good during pregnancy, for ‘bringing the baby on’, for insomnia, anxiety, IBS and high blood pressure. Combining a back & neck massage with reflexology is one of the most relaxing, restorative treatments you can have!
Therapeutic Massage

Massage is one of the skills that should be taught to children at school - and which should be practised by family members on each other as part of daily life It improves circulation, relieves head, neck & back tension, soothes frayed nerves, and above all, it is a divine treat! Solara no longer does full body massage - she combines b
ack, neck & head massage with whatever else is most effective for your state of mind-body-emotions, either healing,
craniosacral or reflexology.
Dear Solara, I just want to say 'wow' and more 'wow' and again I will say I am so grateful for your assistance. You have helped me in so many ways these past two years and are phenomenal at what you do! It is an amazing time to be alive. I can say that now that I am feeling better, I am looking forward to completion of this chapter of my journey. Thank you for all the tips which I am implementing and know that your help has been so significant for me and I am eternally grateful and love you so much, thank you for your kindness and expertise. Love Sierra
Hi Solara, I just wanted to give you feedback a couple of weeks on from my session with you. I do feel so much better ...happier etc - life is good again!! I love following your practices they are very powerful. So again I must thank you for this improving situation - your website is amazing & your guidance & that of your guides has been incredible. I am deeply grateful. With Love, Miyrie xxx Namaste
Dear Solara, I just wanted to let you know that immediately after our session, I looked in the mirror, and actually said "wow!" I could SEE the light just oozing out of my skin. How fabulous and what a gift to have you in my life! Love and blessings,Willow
Dear Solara, Thank you so much for the healing! The immediate result has been as you said, some more energy, I could notice again what the food tastes like, the pain in the right shoulder is gone and the headache got better. I am looking forward to the next session ;-) . Christine Schwägele, Germany
Hi Solara, I just wanted to let you know that I am feeling so much better after our session, and I can't wait until next Thursday! I am really enjoying reading the energy lessons, thank you. Love and Blessings, Willow, Colorado
Solara, What a wonderful session with you today...words cannot express our love and gratitude...you are an ANGEL, indeed. Be well and stay high, Much LOVE, Lorie & Jerry
As so very often happens in our earthly journey, we sometimes feel the levels of mental, emotional and physical stress are too high to handle adequately. In my humble opinion, one of the best alternatives available is to treat yourself to a therapeutic session with Solara , where you will experience her gifted hands lovingly projecting healing energy into your sacred living temple, restoring harmony, wholeness and wellbeing… A true gift to your soul. Guillermo Muriel, London
Solara's healing sessions are literally 'out of this world'! I found myself in a higher dimensional time warp that felt like HOME, as she brought through messages from my guides. Her massage is sooooo soothing - her hands are like angelic radiators :) Sarah Bowen, London
Booking myself and my baby in for craniosacral therapy with Solara was the best thing I ever did. My baby had colic, feeding was difficult, and I was exhausted and depressed. 3 sessions later my baby was pain-free, feeding fine and I felt calmer and happier! Susan Wright, London
As a therapist myself, I am VERY particular about who works on me. Solara is the only body-worker I go to. Her magic hands and intuitive nature are a perfect combination in healing work. Angela Allen, London
Solara turned my life around. She heals your heart, body and soul. My teenage children and I always find her treatments pick us up and put us back on our feet when we have hit a stressful or emotional time. B-J Raben, London
I suffered for years with chronic lower back problems before seeing Solara - her craniosacral and massage sorted me out. I adore Solara's back massage, and although I've moved, I still travel from Rickmansworth to see her - it's worth the trip! Claire Geunebeaud, UK
Dear Solara, Thank u again for my session! I feel as though many veils are being lifted - though I knew somehow that things were amiss, its indeed taken a long long time to wake up to this ... I have been painfully lost. The energy that was felt on our session was moving, lovingly supportive and oddly amused me at how I can be in this. The dread I have been feeling is slowly subsiding and I am now really makin a command to the Universe that things change now. Deep inside I know what needs to be done......the energy and guidance from our session seems to still be supporting me. I am for sure comin to all 3 events on 12 12 12! I want to wish u love light and many blessings Solara. Dvora
Dear Solara, Thank you for your compassion in dealing with me in our two sessions, you have helped me so much. I believe you were my midwife in Feb and then in this last session the wayshower. Thank you for your 'leg up' and for being there to help and support. You are a bright and shinning star and your joy and happiness an inspiration. Sierra
Hola Darling, I just want to thank you , and your lovely guides from the bottom of my heart for all the help that we received! Thank you Solara for helping us transmute all thse stock old energies and fear feelings. We are together again , definetly love and foregivness is flowing ....... Ahooo !!!! Thank you for your friendship and your uncondicional support =). With all my love and gratitute for you and the beautiful light beings that help us, Vanessa
Dear Solara, Thank you so much for today, I feel so much lighter and more joyful already. I think your approach is the future for Counselling! Everything you and your guides said made so much sense! Thank you for your strong, open loving energy that makes it easy to open up. Sending you so much love, Katy xx
Hi Solara, thank you so much for the amazing session yesterday, it was such a joy to speak to you & the Councils of Light. It's all been all been sinking in today with such a good feeling about everything. I especially feel so much more positive & excited now about my future career & for the first time I can really see & feel how it can all come about. I've been on such a high since speaking to you & I can't thank you enough for the new sense of direction & clarity I have now with my healing work. I feel so, so excited now about where it's all going. Thank you so much for all your help in so many ways! With lots of love, Carrie xxx
Dear Solara, So very many thanks for the session I had about a month ago. Well, I was on a tremendous high after being in the company of our Star Brothers (Brotherhood of Light) and manage to keep to their advice when I am challenged by my interaction with others. It has been a real boon to put into practice blessing others, forgiving and releasing and moving on instead of staying with the hurt of their words/actions. After all, we are all working through our issues and challenges and it makes so much sense to 'let go' as soon as one can, resulting in huge relief! I continue with the Daily Practices and 'concentrating & expanding my aura' - its working a treat!! Much love & light, Jo xx
Thank you so much Solara! Your session today was so amazing, I am already transformed, inspired and joyful. I will be in touch and look forward to working with you again! You are magic, thank you for all you do! Willow (Colorado)
Hi Solara, I wanted to send an email and say first off what a pleasure it was to speak with you, but most importantly the spiritual guidance you provided was AMAZING!!!! I recorded the session and have listened to it and it still makes me excited to hear it : ) You confirmed some of the things I had known and gave me new things to look forward to...The past life information really resonated within me and gave me goosebumps, I loved how you made something I was making really hard into something much simpler. There were several things that clicked for me during the reading and it amazes me how I feel empowered and excited about what's to come! You have given me much to look forward to in a time of such change for me!!!! You made the reading very comfortable and I enjoyed every moment and I gotta say I loved the Skype video call and being able to communicate in a face to face fashion it was all just AWESOME!!! The spiritual advice is just what I needed at this time in my life and I THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING!!! Love and Light. Mindy (Florida, US)
Hi Solara, I have been connecting with my guides for years now but because I was in such deep doodoo and for so long I felt abandoned, I questioned my abilities. Now I am fully on board with winning this law suit and embracing my healer self again. I am so glad you are doing these personal sessions. You were spot on and I enjoyed the way you channeled the session but also guided me in undertanding what was said. You have inspired me to embrace my own strength, truth and talents in a way that I have not experienced before. That I am grateful is an understatement! Thank you again for a most most wonderful experience with you and your youtube work which has inspired me and sustained me through this task I have been given. Wow! and more Wow! May God keep you and Bless you always Solara An-Ra. Sierra (Canada)
Recommendation from Jonathon: I am very spiritual. As things change here on earth it is harder and harder to find ways to advance my spirituality. I first came across Solara with one of her youtube meditations. I could feel that she had aligned herself with very powerful and positive light energies. When I saw she had one-on-one sessions I immediately inquired. I was beyond impressed. Often in life what we need is clear, solid advice. In her session she was able to clearly and simply explain all my spiritual strengths and pitfalls. I left the session with one or two things to focus on, and a couple things to take out of my life (the things that were draining me). She is easily able to work with very powerful beings and energy. I have come across many healers and psychics over the years and many of them promise way too much and cannot deliver. She is able to deliver some very powerful words that are in alignment with very powerful healing beings. I would recommend anyone confused and looking for solid and simple guidance to have a session with her. It really has sent my life in a far better direction and I thank her very much for it. Jonathon (Arizona, US)
Hi Solara An-Ra, thank you so much for the session, it was so full of joy and
upliftment. I have a great deal of joy and service to look forward to. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love and caring, and for an extremely magical healing and loving messages from the Crystalline Beings of Light. Great love light and blessings, Crystal Angel
Dear Solara, Wow, I AM SO BLESSED WITH YOUR SESSION! It made me feel so good and so approved in a lot of things that I already felt but couldn't work out. All information that you channelled is a great support for me in my path of further development. I am very happy, really that brings a lot of peace about my choices for the future. Once more, a lot of gratitude from me and my kids! Sending blessings and love,
Hi Solara, since I did the one-on-one session my perspective on the main issues in my life changed a lot. I have more confidence, more faith in everything I go through. The session was most revealing, because you and your guides helped me healing an aspect of a past life which I wasn't aware at all and that was evidently interfering with my present life. I am still listening to the session because each time I do I find something new. You helped me a lot! I have not enough words to thank you! Love you! Cynthia
Dearest Solara-An-Ra, Since our session together I have felt a warm knowing in my heart that the strength within is my joy! I enjoyed our peaceful one-on-one as the energies flowing within and the work done on the etheric level by the Angels and unseen friends was incredible. I will forever treasure the gifts of your sacred words from the higher realms. All in divine love and eternal peace. Love forever, Joyous June
Dear Solara, I just wanted to thank you once again for the healing session you gave me ... I can't tell you how much my life has changed since then. I came to you lost, burdened with addictions, and low self esteem, not comfortable and in my own skin. 2 days after our session a felt a shift, and I have walked in joy ever since! I know who I am and am free from all addictions. I can not thank you enough - except to take this second chance; except to walk in light and love. Namaste, Lara H
Dear Ms An-Ra, Thank you very very much for the healing session today. I felt intense emotion during the healing session. I'm so glad I am healed!! I will also do all the exercises and meditations you advised. With Love n Appreciation, Linda Wang Yi
Dear Solara, The session I got from you was a life changing experience! I have been looking for help all over the world, in Bali with the famous healers and with Inca Elders from Peru to name some of them.
They were speaking of the same things but could not really help.I am very greateful for the channeling with your guides which has helped me to get on the higher path and has showed me so clearly my own resourses and potential. Thank you Dear Solara and much Love! Sittaraya
Dear Solara, thank you so much for the session yesterday! Now I am filled with hope, joy and confidance! The dark night of the soul seems to come to an end and I am filled with love, life and energy again! Thank you a thousand times and I am already looking forward to be in touch with you again.I wish you a massive amount of higher dimensional support and many earthy dweller with love, care and joy in their hearts coming your way! Am-Ra Ha Nata
My dear Solara... I have to just write and give you some feedback on the phenomenal experience I had with your energy session! I had no idea some healing work would be included, my gratitude to the universe!
I love you dearly, and loved the way you worked the 11.11.11 conference, and will love to travel with you sometime. xoxo Carmel