Connecting With Your Higher Self
Solara An-Ra & the Star Councils of Light
The Time is Now for you to truly acknowledge the connection more important than any other! More powerful than connection with Star beings or ascended Masters, is your connection with your Higher Self.
Three 2-hour Seminars will be sent to you on payment.
Complete Payment: €55 |
Connecting with Your Higher Self PLUS Pleiadian-Arcturian Healing Skills Webinar Series: €99
Those who are called to this course, know that your Higher Self has been waiting for this golden opportunity your whole lifetime! Your Higher Self speaks to you constantly, watches over you always, waiting for those moments when your heart is open, your mind is clear and your emotions peaceful. In these moments - when you KNOW that you are power-ful, and this knowing has no ego attachments - you are free from wanting, from anxiety, from planning, from telling stories in your mind. this is when your Higher Self is able to be em-bodied in your physical form.
Connection with your Higher Self is not about experiencing yourself as a Being of Light in your meditations - it is about holding a level of clarity, purity, integrity and power in your work on Earth - in your everyday life. This aspect of you knows your chosen path and purpose and understands how to overcome your earthly challenges as you step onto your path.
In these 3 webinars you go through processes in which: -
your 12 chakra system is prepared and cleared, ensuring a clear flow between the cosmic star portal & the Higher Self Portal.
a clear flow between your Higher Self Portal, crown & third eye is facilitated.
you are taught how to keep your One-Heart chakra activated for longer periods of time.
you learn how to channel your Higher Self in the form of automatic writing. This is an option which may become part of your spiritual practise, either daily or as and when it is needed. It encourages the experience of hearing messages directly in the moment they are needed, in order be guided and assisted in everyday life situations.
The Time Is Now!
Feedback on the Course
Dear Solara, Thank you for such a clear, concise and beautifully grounded course. all of your teachings are so self empowering for you simply hand over the tools so that we can do it for ourselves and your honesty and heartfelt advise is so refreshing to hear! Something incredible has happened to me of late that has a strong connection with those teachings you shared with us. For many years I have been something of a hermit, keeping very seperate from others, seeing my self as different in many ways. I now am ready to share again with others all that I am and this will happen as it is meant to. Love and thankyou thankyou for all that you do and love and thankyou thankyou to your guides and teachers. Emma xx
Dearest Solara, I have really enjoyed the webinars! They have really clarified the meaning of and relationship to my higher self. I feel much more assured of where I am on my spiritual path:) Thank you so much for bringing these teachings forth!!!! and happy birthday!!! With so much love and immense gratitude, Cat:)
Hi dear Solara!!! Thank you so much for doing the beautiful and powerful Higher Self webinars. It helped me a lot to understand a lot of things and also to reflect about other things in my life right now. I Love the One Heart meditation, in fact I practise it daily. For me it was a wonderful experience and also Love to hear you and feel your Love and support for all of us. Thank you so much Solara for your teachings, your Love, your Light and for your wonderful work in which you help and supports us all!! SiLaNu - Ra
Dear Solara, thank you so much for the webinar transmission last night. It brought clarity to some confusion I had had about higher self/ I-am-presence interpretations and helped me to integrate deeper levels of understanding on these matters. What i realised today as i was watering my garden in the early hours is that it is all so blindingly simple really and that realisation has fascilitated a deep shift within my being. So thankyou and the light beings that work with you for all this for it has been long awaited! Love to you and thank you, Emma
Hi Solara, Many thanks for the first Higher Self webinar, it was very interesting & I thoroughly enjoyed the information - but also appreciated the further perspective to your Essential Meditation. Once again, I feel so much more integrated, lighter & more at peace, with a far better understanding of “what is”. Thank you! Had to smile when you chanted... I burst into tears & my cat left the room with the high pitched sound.... Obviously healing for me & scary for him! SO glad I have this download to refer to & look forward to the next webinar downloads when to hand. Love & light, Lynn
Dear Solara, just to say I am LOVING the way you are now teaching and communicating through the tele-seminars ! And the possibilities to listen to the recordings when I can not connect in the moment ...
Thank YOU ... Carole