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Assist Solara An-Ra in raising the vibration of our tribe!




17-18 July 2010: - Conscious Convergence
(Written Versions - English & Spanish Below)


I am posting this to encourage as many tribe as possible all over the globe to join together on the 17 - 18 July 2010 to set the intention for Unity Consciousness on our planet!

I am responding to the urgent call put out by Carl Johan Calleman, Mayan Calendar expert, to pay attention to the Wave of Unity on July 17-18, 2010, which he names THE CONSCIOUS CONVERGENCE - the second Harmonic Convergence.

He says: 'The Conscious Convergence is not by itself the beginning of the ninth wave, which does not start until March 9, 2011. Rather this celebration initiates a wave, a pre-wave, that precedes and paves the ground for the ninth wave and directly leads into it. The Conscious Convergence is thus tremendously important as a point for creating the intention of unity consciousness, even if this will only be fully developed later with the ninth wave. Maybe it will in fact be humanity's last chance of setting such an intention, which almost with necessity must exist at an early point if we are to elevate ourselves above the economic chaos that we may expect in the years ahead.'
Full article on

My guides suggest in this channelling using the mantra OM NYALIMAN SHANTI on those 2 days, to draw Gaia's potent crystal core energy up to awaken ALL OF HUMANITY from the dream of duality, so that we move into Unity Consciousness. This is in alignment with the Divine Plan which was set in place at the conception of our Universe - that we move into Unity or Christ Consciousness at this precise time when we move into the 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar.


Written Transcript: Councils of Light
(Spanish below)

This time window has been called ‘Unity Wave’, for all has to do with wavelength on your planet and in your reality. We agree completely that this is a time identical to that termed HARMONIC CONVERGENCE in August of 1987 in your year calendar. It is identical in that it is up to you dear human beings to be the agents of change – to be the ones who collect in your clans and tribes in order to raise the consciousness on your planet.

Let us explain regarding the Mayan calendar. We have said many times that the ‘end date’ of Winter Solstice 2012 has been given to you and has been stressed to this degree and come into the awareness of so many on the Earth plane, not because it is this specific time point in which everything changes, but in order to alert you that the change is needed now in order for your ascension to be manifest and your planet and tribe to be saved.

What is termed ‘The Ninth Wave’, this is the beginning of the era of Unity or Christ Consciousness – and this wave on this weekend – this is your time of making decision if you wish this to be so, or not! If you wish, truly wish to manifest connection between all beings; if you wish to manifest that love is the primary vibration on your planet – then it is up to you dear ones, to do something about it!

You do not and will not achieve this by focussing on that which you do not want. There is much in your world now which you do not want. You do not want lies and deception; you do not want wars; you do not want pollution and devastation of Gaia’s body; you do not want all of your tribe and your planet to be destroyed; you do not want the political regime as it has been to hold sway still on your planet; you do not want your foods to be contaminated. And so many of you have stood your ground and are fighting against those things which you do not want.

But we will remind you that the true shift – the true shift which you seek, comes from the consciousness; comes from the heart; comes from the dissolving from ego & separation and desire for power one over another – whether this be one person over another, one country over another, one planet over another. What you truly need to pay attention to now within your list of that which you wish to manifest is that your tribe is united in thought, heart and mind – (so) that all in your tribe once again hold love for one another. This is Christ Consciousness.

It is termed Christ Consciousness because of that enlightened being who walked on your Earth plane, who seeded this way of thinking and being, which was entirely unheard of at that time. It was a revolution in consciousness which was taken up only by only the few at that time. But His teachings have been preserved, and all those who love the Christ as he truly was understand that what he taught in it’s simplicity was the opening of the heart that one may see and feel and experience oneself as together with all other beings.

We encourage the chanting of OM NYALIMAN SHANTI on these days of the 17th & 18th of July in your year 2010, for these reasons: -
OM as it is used in this instance, OM the sound of all that has been created, will through your clearintention, open your hearts.

NYALIMAN is a secret and sacred word which has been used by your ancients in great love for Gaia, asking and then receiving for Her great powerful energies from her core crystal to raise into your third dimension.

We have previously encouraged you to use the NYALIMAN to draw this energy through your own physical cells and body in order to awaken your third eyes that you may see through the veils of duality and illusion. We ask now that is used with the clear intention that Gaia’s pure powerful energy from Her core crystal is raised into third density as a whole, so that each and every one in your tribe may receive this blessing in order for a communal opening of the third eye, that all on your Earth plane reality may see through the veils of duality and illusion.

With the SHANTI the third eyes are opened so that the result is PEACE - peace on Earth, peace in your hearts. And so on these days as you chant on your own or in your gatherings of tribe, you will feel and see and visualise and have as your crystal clear intention that the power of the core crystal of Gaia sends her love and energy up through Her body and into the density of the third dimension, so that all on your planet may be awakened into Unity Consciousness.

Este es un mensaje de las Pleyades. Canalizado por Solara-An Ra
Lo que se denomina "La Novena Ola" es el comienzo de la Era de la Unidad de Conciencia Crística- y esta ola en este fin de semana del 17 y 18 de julio- es vuestro momento de tomar la decisión si quieren que así sea o no!
Si desean de verdad manifestar la conección entre todos los seres ,si desean manifestar que el Amor es la vibración primaria en su planeta ,entonces les corresponde a Uds hacer algo por ello!
No van a conseguirlo si se focalizan en aquello que no quieren más!
Hay mucho en vuestro mundo ahora que ustedes no quieren más.
No quieren más mentiras ni enganios,no quieren más polución,ni la devastación en el cuerpo de la Madre Tierra,no quieren más que toda su tribu y su planeta sea destruido ,no quieren que los regimenes políticos sigan teniendo poder sobre su planeta,  no quieren que sus comidas est´en contaminadas. Y muchos de Uds han luchado contra estas cosas que no quieren ya más
Pero les recordamos que el verdadero, cambio,el verdadero cambio que Uds buscan  viene de la conciencia, viene del corazón, viene de la disolución del ego y de la separación y del deseo de poder de uno sobre el, otro- sea de una persona sobre otra ,un país sobre el otro, un planeta sobre el otro.
Lo que verdaderamente necesitan es prestar atención a aquello que Uds quieren manifestar para que su tribu esté unida en pensamiento, corazón y mente.para que puedan amarse unos a otros
Esta es la Conciencia Crística.Se la llama Conciencia Crística por aquél Ser Iluminado que caminó en vuestra tierra y que sembró esta forma de pensar y ser ,que era totalmente desconocida en ese momento. Fué una revoluciùon de conciencia que fué recibida por sólo unos pocos entonces.
Pero sus ensenianzas fueron preservadas y todos aquellos que aman el Cristo como verdaderamente fué y comprenden que lo que  EL ensenio en su simplicidad fué la apertura del corazón  para que uno pueda ver y sentir la experiencia uno mismo y con los demás
Los alentamos para que entonen el OM NYALIMAN SHANTI en los dias del 17 y 18 de julio del 2010 por estas razones
OM  se usa como, el sonido de todo lo que ha sido creado y a través de la pura intención va a abrir sus corazones
NYALIMAN es una palabra secreta y sagrada que ha sido usada por los antiguos en su gran amor por Gaia ,pidiendo y entonces recibiendo de ELLA sus poderosas energías,que surgen desde su núcleo de cristal  hacia vuestra tercera dimensión  Esto también va a resultar en una bendición para la apertura del tercer ojo,para que todos Uds en el plano terrestre puedan ver a través de los velos de la dualidad e ilusión